Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In the moment

Isn't it ironic that this is supposed to be a snapshot of what I am doing in my life? Haha! I dont have any photos on here at all. YET! 
Before blogs it would never have occurred to me to document my cooking, my gardening, my crafting endeavors. But here I am, wishing I had pictures of just one of the times I made a fabulous glob of homemade mozzarella cheese. It was a beauty. Or if only I had taken pictures of the steaming golden-crusted bread I baked with homemade butter.
 I know. Who takes pictures of such things? A camera never seemed like kitchen equipment to me. I was too busy enjoying the spoils of my labor. I'm not talking about the taste of it even though it was out-of-this-world delicious.  Nope. I am talking about just watching The Professor and all the hooligans lingering in the kitchen and then making all the noises of anticipation waiting for the first bites. The Professor asking, "Is it done yet? Is it done yet?" I receive an affectionate peck on the back of the head. The hooligans, all four of them, huddled around the oven window watching the doughy loaf slowly transform. Trusting the outcome will fill their little bellies with the warm satisfaction of home, I hope. These are the moments I wish I could relive over and over again. 
You know the ooo's and ahh's that make any cook's heart sing. Then to watch them savor and enjoy my handiwork. "Mommy, this is the yummiest ever." "Mommy-made is the best." I am the heroine in the story. Just for a moment, I am June Cleaver, Donna Reed, and so on. For just one moment in a day of disaster after disaster I am who I want to be. I basked in it. My heart swelled because I knew, and still know, how fleeting the times are when I feel like I am exactly what I was created to be. 
So forgive me if there aren't enough pictures on this blog yet. I am learning to adjust my thinking to remember to take a few pictures now and then. After all, these moments don't last forever.


  1. get your camera out!!

  2. I like to enjoy the fruits of your labor too! The encouragement to take more pics is one thing I love about blogging!
